Suiting up for the future

Exoskeletons are the next step in revolutionising the workforce.

Fletcher Building was given a glimpse into the future with our fourth Tech Talk event. Arnaud Daurat, the CEO of Exoskeleton company Exxovantage, joined us at Penrose to showcase the latest wearable safety technology.

An exoskeleton is a light external frame that is worn for two purposes:

Firstly, if you have an existing injury or illness, an exoskeleton can help support the weight or action you’re unable to. Thus, preventing further injury and allowing you to extend your current abilities.

Secondly, it can augment biological capabilities. Giving people additional strength or mobility to perform tasks, which enhances their natural abilities.

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Essentially, the suits are designed to enhance lifting capabilities, reduce strain, protect, and increase productivity for many tasks. In either instance of using an exoskeleton, we’re in superhuman territory!

The live demonstrations were a highlight for all attendees online and in person. We were also treated to a secondary demonstration with Fletcher Building CIO Joe Locandro, which you can see in our latest Tech Tales episode.

Given one of Fletcher Building’s core values is ‘Protect’, we were thrilled to bring this leading safety technology to the attention of our business units. Arnaud gave a compelling presentation demonstrating his 25 years of experience in engineering and construction, which incorporated a lengthy Q+A session.

Our Tech Talks have covered Cyber Security, AI, Futurist predictions and Exoskeletons. Our next Tech Talk promises another exciting tech topic and another industry-leading speaker. Follow us on LinkedIn for updates!