Agile Workplaces: Boosting Productivity and Innovation
Ever heard the word ‘agile’ pop up in corporate working methods speak?
The scaled agile framework is a proven set of principles and practices focused on creating business agility. We use it to deliver high-quality E-commerce and digital products to our customers. Its value was demonstrated by our recent E-commerce agile trains, which successfully ran over the last five years and saw E-commerce sales increase by over $400 million in just five years.
A New Zealand Agile Release Train worked hard to deliver E-commerce products for PlaceMakers and Mico. Alongside this work, an Australia Agile Release Train worked to deliver E-commerce products for Tradelink and Laminex. Team members were based around the world in Australia, New Zealand, India, Pakistan and the United States.
A diverse range of perspectives were shared during 12-weekly planning and review cycles.
The scaled agile framework requires teams to regularly measure and report the key performance indicators. Meetings were held at the end of each 10-day sprint and 12-week delivery cycle to review performance and identify improvements.
This enhances transparency and helps people focus on fixing issues as they arise.
PlaceMakers saw planning predictability increase from 70% in its first 12-week cycle to over 90% over the last 18 months. This framework model also saw consistently high team engagement ratings.
Another key feature of the scaled agile framework is that when new businesses ‘jump onboard’ the Agile Release Train, teams learn from each other, achieving more than they could in isolation.
When the Mico teams joined the programme on the New Zealand Release Train, they had the benefit of working directly with the existing PlaceMakers team. Not having to ‘reinvent the wheel’ also means that costs are reduced, and time is spent more efficiently.
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